Capabilities and Facilities
Greenhouses and Controlled Growth Chambers (BNL)
For information contact Justin Andrews
Field Testing Facilities (BNL)
For information contact Justin Andrews
In Vivo Molecular Imaging for Agriculture and Plant Engineering (JLab)
Microbial Systems and Communities Research (ANL)
Intellectual Property
AI-enabled Subfield Crop Yield Prediction (INL)
Genes Regulating Plant Regeneration (ORNL)
Synthetic Promoters Useful for Expression in Plant Cells (LBNL)
Improving Photosynthesis by Eliminating a Sustained Photoprotective Mechanism (LBNL)
Gene for Enhancing Salt and Drought Tolerance in Plants (ORNL)
Novel Peptide Capable of Stimulating Disease Resistance in Plants (LBNL)
Genes for Enhancing Drought and Heat Tolerance in Plants, and Methods of Use (ORNL)
Identification of Plant Metabolites that Induce Plant Disease Resistance and Plant Defenses (ORNL)
Gene Modification to Increase Drought and Flood Tolerance in Plants (LBNL)
Use of Cholinium Lysinate as a Low-persistence, Low-toxicity Herbicide (LBNL)
Artificial Positive Feedback Loop for Controlled Gene Expression and Bioproduction in Plants (LBNL)
Engineering Competitive Pathways for Tissue-specific Lignin Reduction (LBNL)
Tissue-specific Lignification Stoppers (LBNL)
Biological Production of Muconic Acid in Plants (LBNL)
Intellectual Property: Soil Microbiome
Complex of Mutualistic Microbes Designed to Increase Plant Productivity (ORNL)
Genetic Consortia Mediating Resistance to Septoria Pathogen (ORNL)
Inhibiting Growth of Diverse Bacteria and Plant Pathogens (LBNL)
A Protein Domain Modulating Host-Cell Invasion (ORNL)
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium (ORNL)
A Lectin-like Receptor Kinase Leads to Enhanced Mycorrhization in Plants (ORNL)
Participating DOE laboratories and contact information
ANL Argonne National Laboratory
Phil Smith,
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory
Poornima Upadhya,
INL Idaho National Laboratory
Ryan Bills,
JLAB Jefferson Lab
Deborah Dowd,
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Robin Johnston,
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hannah Farquar,
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
Marc Steven Witkowski,
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Eric Payne,
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jennifer Caldwell,
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Allan Tuan,
SNL Sandia National Laboratory
Joel Sikora,